Call for Papers

The largest pool and spa trade show in Australia, SPLASH! Pool & Spa Trade Show, is currently looking for speakers to deliver informative and exciting education to the 2,000 expected attendees.

Our visitors would love to hear about topics such as how to minimise pool drownings, how to decrease the risk of chemical explosion, or perhaps how to cope if your pool or facility is struck by flood or fire.

With SPLASH! being held on the Gold Coast, there’s also an opportunity for leisure and commercial aquatic parks to speak about the day to day challenges they face in running their facilities, and how their learnings can translate to pool and spa operators.

We would also like to hear from speakers on popular education topics like water chemistry, landscaping, hydraulics, green technology, chlorination and chemicals, as well as marketing and HR for pool and spa business owners.

SPLASH! is only held every two years, so this is your chance to address key issues in the pool industry, or present new technology or innovation to a captive audience.

The FINAL deadline for submissions is Thursday 30 November 2018. Submissions can only be made via the online portal and will not be accepted via email.

Submit Abstract Here

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